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12/01/2004 Entry: "Poll: What is on your holiday wish list?"

Thanks to imprints like Firebird and the smarts of other publishers, we've lately been gifted by reissues of books like SORCERY AND CECELIA, WAR FOR THE OAKS, and Patricia Briggs's books. Also authors have resurfaced with some long-lost stories like THE GRAND TOUR, new "Black Jewels" stories from Anne Bishop, and the upcoming METALLIC LOVE. But we're greedy and want more! Which of the following would be on top of your holiday wish list? (If we get enough comments of other choices people wanted, we'll run another poll.)

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Which of the following would be on top of your holiday wish list? (If we get enough comments of other choices people wanted, we'll run another poll.)
Ivan's story from Lois McMaster Bujold 107 39% <table width="59" height="1