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L.J. Smith

Night World Series Book 04

Who recommends: Preeti, Lori, Shelley, Tanya, Isabel, Laurie
Who discommends:

I still haven't got around to buying DARK ANGEL. I'm trying to figure how it will fit in. The plot hadn't interested me enough. This seemed like the only book in the series in which the heroine or hero didn't fall in love with the paranormal creature?? And if that's so then there probably wasn't a soulmate principle in it, was there?? If it's not really necessary in the continuing story I'm not sure I'll bother with it. Can you tell me a little more about it.--Linda (20 Oct 99)

Well, actually DARK ANGEL does have one of our protagonists as a paranormal creature. The story starts with Gillian walking home from school in the dead of winter and thinking she heard a child crying in the woods. In trying to track down the crying, she falls into a creek and has a near death experience and is saved by an angel who stays with her even after she returns to the world of the living. Angel guides her to become the most popular girl in the school and helps her get David (her soulmate) detached from his girlfriend and interested in her instead. Then Angel starts suggesting weirder and weirder stuff... The question becomes who is he? Is he really an angel?

I would probably only recommend reading this if you are as obsessive as I am about reading every book in a series.--Isabel (20 Oct 99)

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