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Mary Brown

1999, June, Baen; loose sequel to the PIGS DON'T FLY and MASTER OF MANY TREASURES duet
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Who recommends: Barbara, Tanya, JW, Catie, Isabel, Preeti
Who discommends: Julie

Finished DRAGONNE'S EG - if you liked PIGS DON'T FLY, you'll like this one. It took a while for me to get into the story - pretty tedious at first - setting character, I suppose, of the heroine. Great characterization but I kept thinking, get on with it. Then we start on the journey to take back the dragon's egg and boy, do we meet some interesting characters. We have an assortment of friends who join her on the journey for one reason or another.

A very strong and emphatic HEA that leaves no doubt at all where the h/h stand with each other and why. And pulls together some ends you didn't even know were loose.--Barbara

Read this last night. Great fun! Marred by occasional clunkiness: I was *on* a train going from Waterloo as I read about Sophie's departure from London, and I can assure you that Waterloo Station is on the south bank and that one doesn't cross the Thames to get anywhere (except to Charing Cross). This is a very petty quibble, especially for a book that was so enjoyable, but it interrupted my immersion ... and I'd have loved to know more about what happened after Sophie transformed David Bowe back into himself (I don't mean, necessarily, in terms of Hot Sex, but more about how she reacted to him as a human being would have been fascinating.)--Tanya (30 Jul 99)

Anyone read this one yet? The beginning is very Dickensian (as the cover mentions); the heroine, Sophie, is an orphan making her living as a teacher in a charity school in Victorian London. She receives an odd legacy from an uncle she'd never met and ends up on an epic journey to return a dragon's egg to its rightful home in Central Asia. This ties in with previous books (PIG'S DON'T FLY, MASTER OF MANY TREASURES), but you don't really have to have read them. (I don't remember the details myself!) There's not a lot of romance (the idea of romance only pops up right at the end), but it's a very good read. --JW (30 Jul 99)

Also read and enjoyed Mary Brown's Dragonne's Eg, though like Tanya I found they way the story stopped at the transformation rather abrupt. Plenty of interesting possibilities in following THAT scene through... And I could have done without the anti-climactic epilog. But a very good read for all that.--Catie (09 Aug 99)

Great fun with very engaging characters although the romance is almost nonexistent until the very end of the book. I agree with Tanya and Catie in that I would have preferred some more interaction between Sophie and Beau after the transformation scene. One other slight quibble is the dialogue which is just not quite Victorian enough to my ears, but then that's the case with a lot of novels set in the past. All in all, definitely a book worth reading.--Isabel (11 Aug 99)

I still like her books but I really found the latest, DRAGONNE'S EG, to be too slow for me to enjoy.--Julie (12 Aug 99)

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