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Martha Wells
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Who recommends: JW, Preeti, Julie, Shelley, Lynn, Edith, Danielle, Barbara, Tanya
Who discommends:

Okay, I read Martha Wells' THE ELEMENT OF FIRE. It wasn't bad, and I am going to put myself in the "recommend" column. It was interesting, but reading it was also more work than I wanted. I had to overcome my initial knee-jerk reaction against a hero old enough to be the heroine's father. But they were both very appealing characters and I thoroughly enjoyed their romance. The love story was only a small part of this book though, secondary to the court intrigues in the story.--Preeti

I also just finished it last night! I will also recommend it; felt the romance was good but we just didn't see enough of it. <g> The writing was solid and the story plot moved along quite well, I thought, more of a fantasy adventure with court intrigues the main basis. I wasn't bothered with the age difference at all; it seemed plausible to the story. But I really would have liked to see more of the heroine, Kade, since I found her the most interesting of the characters; altho Thomas was quite appealing too. In all, I liked it, it read quickly because I really did care enough about the characters to find out their fate--which I felt was a little vague at the end.--Julie

Yes to both of these things in THE ELEMENT OF FIRE. I would have liked to have seen much more of Kade Carrion's character. She was a fascinating Queen of Air and Darkness. And the end was very vague. I could really stand to read a direct sequel based on this book.--Preeti

A definite recommend. I loved the wit and intrigue. Kade was fabulous and her relationship with Thomas very satisfying. The ending did feel a little abrupt; it would have been nice to hear a bit more about the two of them.--Danielle

And then I read ELEMENT OF FIRE. Hmmmm, loved Kade and Thomas and normally I love sword and sorcery type stuff but there were times I thought Kade and Thomas were the only thinking people in the story. Palace intrigue - and I usually am okay on that - but I really hated some of the things that twisted in the plot - don't read about the tower - what possible purpose did that scene serve? Oh well. We have people changing, fast action, all the elements that make it what I like - too long? Maybe. It also reminded me strongly of NIGHTSEER, which I liked much better.--Barbara

Enjoyed this (not least because the male lead is, if I recall, named Thomas!). Kage was fun, and - sorry for the pun - suitably cagey about her origins. I'm 40 pages into 'The Death of the Necromancer', same author, and so far am finding it even better.--Tanya (30 Jul 99)

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