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Elizabeth Kerner
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Book 1 of Tale of Lanen Kaeler
pubbed in hb and pb by Tor

Who recommends: Preeti, JW, Linda, Shelley, Lynn, Kathleen, Danielle, Leila, Edith, Lori
Who discommends: Julie

I really liked SONG IN THE SILENCE, as did most people on this loop. It wasn't perfect, but it had a strong romance, a dragon, and telepathy. All of these are powerful pulls on me. I read her from the library and then bought her book in hardcover. I can't tell you how often I've searched the net for information on any forthcoming books by Kerner and come up with nothing.--Preeti

Yes, that's what I'd like to know -- when is there going to be another book?! I loved SONG IN THE SILENCE and bought it in hardcover after reading it from the library.--JW

I have been really hoping for another book. I also went and bought the last one in hardback after reading the ppbk.--Shelley

A lovely book - a bit overlong for my taste and so lucky I read it on the weekend. The same concept as in THE LAST DRAGONLORD - girl and a dragon - but in this case, the Dragon is the King and their laws say that humans should not cross the barrier. But she has longer since she was young to talk to dragons and so here she is, brought by her wicked father - after her father's death, isn't that a twist? - who plans on plundering from the part of the island humans can access. Of course her father intends on stealing the Lost Souls - stay tuned for a sequel - from beyond the barrier and long ago enlisted the aid of a demon to aid him - that he has promised his daughter to, surprise, surprise!

It is in the final chapters that the Dragon is injured so seriously that he starts into Weh sleep to recover - which lasts for about 50 years - a mere blink in Dragon time but a lifetime for humans. A good save by the author - though not as good a save as in THE LAST DRAGONLORD.--Barbara

Well now we know that she is on the Internet and also that she's working on the other two books in this trilogy and hoping that they'll be published close together since they're closely tied.--Preeti

I really like well-described dragons. DRAGONSBANE by Barbara Hambly is still my favorite dragon novel, but this one is enjoyable (but I hate being left hanging, waiting for a sequel).--Kathleen

I finished Kerner's SONG IN THE SILENCE last week. I did enjoy it and you can put me down as a recommend --but it didn't move me as much as I was expecting it to. The premise and the HEA were wonderfully romantic; maybe I was just having an off week?

Part of the problem was the shifting viewpoints. I didn't mind switching back and forth between Lanen and Akhor, but adding more characters to that threw me off.--Danielle (2 Aug 99)

This is the one about a woman who has always longed to go to the Dragon Isle and talk to dragons. But, unbeknownst to her, her evil father is plotting with demons and jeopardizes her life and the relationship of the dragons and humans. I would recommend this mildly, but mostly because it feels unfinished. There were too many loose ends! I wanted more of an explanation of why the change occurred in the hero (I'm trying not to spoil it for those who haven't read it). What happened to her mother? And one thing that drove me crazy was the shifting POV's. I think there was one page that had *three* different POV's on it. Also, I didn't feel much of an *personal* connection with the characters. I might have been in the wrong mood when I read it, but I felt a bit emotionally manipulated -- the intense feelings between the H & H were a little over-the-top for me. But it was a good first book and I do look forward to reading the next two.--Edith (12 Nov 99)

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