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Barbara Hambly
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1994, April, Del Rey
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Who recommends: JW, Julie, Linda, Shelley, Lynn, Barbara, Catie, Danielle, Kathleen, Isabel, Shelly, Rebekah, Margaret, Preeti
Who discommends:

I just finished this last night but it suffered in comparison with THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD which I read the night before. I have to emphasise that I am a huge McKillip fan so almost any other book feels like a let down after one of McKillip's. With that said, it was an enjoyable read and Spens has a certain appeal. I'll have to reread this to give it a more unbiased opinion.--Isabel (31 Jul 99)

I read a book!! :) I enjoyed Barbara Hambly's STRANGER AT THE WEDDING, though it does take a while to get moving. It wasn't until the last 100 pages of the book that it really gripped me and kept me sitting on the couch with book in hand. The ending was romantic (I'm glad I knew this was an hea ;)) but not too easy. Vague sentence to avoid spoilers: I have some qualms about people's right to know what actually happened to them, but I can see that there was no winning in this situation.--Rebekah (19 Nov 99)

I love Hambly. I love the way she can start off having the heroine describe the character who turns out the be her true love as looking like an apple. She's not at all impressed at first sight!--JW (20 Nov 99)

This book is particularly interesting as it is set in the same world as THE SILENT TOWER but gives quite a different view. In the earlier book we see the world and its people from the viewpoint of an alien while the viewpoint in this book is that of a local. I enjoyed it and would like to see more of the world.--Margaret (15 Oct 00)

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