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Barbara Hambly
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Winterlands Book 4

Who recommends: Linda
Who discommends:

Knight of the Demon Queen

I had to force myself to start it after the second book, which was so dark and the h/h torn apart and not as likeable. And I have to admit I've learned more about demons than I ever wanted. But after that complaint it ends. I can recommend this book. If you enjoyed the first book, you will definitely enjoy this one. It starts right off with the hero facing death due to collaborating with demons and yearning for Jenny and wishing he could take back the way he acted last he saw her and Jenny is wishing the same. We have our likeable characters back and they actually get together and spend much of the book that way. :-) So its the last battle to defeat the demons. Lots of action. But I hope her next is free of demons and a little lighter. :-)--Linda (18 Jun 02)

I tried DRAGONSHADOW by Barbara Hambly (I'd been saving it until the trilogy was finished -- I'd read and enjoyed the prequel DRAGONSBANE), but couldn't really get into it. That one I'll try again later, since Hambly is usually a favorite, and I'm not sure what the problem was. I think it's because it was focused on the action and not the characters.--JW (02 Aug 02)

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