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Patricia Briggs
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Book 1
1993, Dec, Ace
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Who recommends: Barbara, Linda, Shelley, Lori, Rebekah, Edith, Kathleen, JW, Margaret, Isabel, Julie, Danielle
Who discommends:

I also enjoyed Masques by Patricia Briggs also (though not quite as much as When Demons Walk) but the h/h are both shapeshifters. The heroine is part shapeshifter and can take any shape and is also a paid spy. The hero is her friend who she has never seen until later in the book in any shape other than a Wolf. He's very secretive. They both combine their talents to destroy the evil ae'Magi, who is a master of illusion so only a few persecuted people really know how evil he truly is. This also has an enjoyable romance.--Linda

A quick, fast-moving, and enjoyable book. Well-built fantasy with a strong believable romance.--Rebekah

Brief comment about Patricia Briggs: Her books tend to be, IMO, rather light, but very enjoyable. She sets a story which focuses on a couple, with some secondary characters, against a larger background which she doesn't explore in-depth. The books are standalone but all set in the same universe; some of the big "standard" fantasy elements seem to be happening in the background, with the characters only interacting as it affects their lives. They are not in the center of things. She hasn't let her world take over the story.--Lori

This book, like Briggs' other 2 set in this same world, is terrific, although the level of violence is higher (the torture scene is disturbing).--Kathleen

An enjoyable book. Light but well-written. I would have like more emphasis on the romance.--Margaret (09 Mar 00)

My favourite of the three Briggs books. I really liked the hero and heroine having been friends for years before the romance really develops.--Isabel (13 Mar 00)

Thanks to Isabel, I finally got the chance to read MASQUES. The romance is light but nicely developed, and Aralorn & Wolf are great characters. Strangely enough, one of the things I liked most was the villain; really, when you think about it, it makes so much sense that a powerful evil mage would convince everyone he's a great guy!--Danielle (28 May 02)

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