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02/25/2006 Entry: "Vote Now! Locus and Hugo ballots online"

The Annual Locus Poll & Survey is now online for your voting pleasure. Every year the poll measures the previous year's favorite Science Fiction & Fantasy books and art. The survey yields fascinating statistics about SF readers on issues such as preferred sub-genres, purchasing patterns and demographics.

You do not need to be a subscriber to vote in the poll. All SF readers are invited to vote. Voters who are subscribers get an extra issue of Locus tacked on to their subscription. The deadline for ballots is April 15th.

This year there is also a special online-only Poetry Poll, with categories for best poem of 2005 and for all-time best poem.

Also, a reminder that nominations are due by March 10 for the prestigious Hugo awards. In order to vote for the Hugos, you need to be a member of the 2006 WorldCon, taking place in August in Anaheim. If you're not a member, join now to be able to vote in the final Hugo balloting. I don't usually make it to the Worldcons, but I always buy a "Supporting" membership for 30 bucks or so in order to vote for the Hugos. Only a small number of people vote for the Hugos each year, so your vote can really make the difference!

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