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11/14/2005 Entry: "Cover art for forthcoming books - LKH, Jacqueline Carey, Briggs, etc."

Danse Macabre

Katherine keeps emailing me all this great cover art for eagerly-anticipated books, but I haven't had time to update the forthcoming books page yet. Here are the pictures in the meantime. Clicking on them takes you to Amazon.com.

DANSE MACABRE--Although the books no longer grab my interest, the covers are still arresting. The ballet slipper made me look twice. July 2006.

Kushiel's Scion

KUSHIEL'S SCION--I believe this is being released in June 2006. Interesting choice to get away from the dark blues of the first trilogy, but otherwise, eh. Jacqueline Carey has a synopsis of KUSHIEL'S SCION on her site.

Definitely Dead

DEFINITELY DEAD--The next Sookie Stackhouse book by Charlaine Harris. The cover makes me smile. Do you think that's Bill trying catch the tiger by the tail? May 2006. Here is the first chapter of DEFINITELY DEAD.

Moon Called

MOON CALLED--This marks the beginning of a new contemporary werewolf series by Patricia Briggs. I wonder if the sexiness level of the book will live up to the image on the cover? It'll be available in February 2006. Sample chapter of MOON CALLED on Briggs' site.


DOPPELGANGER--This is the first of two books by Marie Brennan about a witch versus her doppelganger, who is a magic-less bounty hunter. Coming from Warner in April 2006. Looks interesting. Here is Brennan's site, but she doesn't have an excerpt up yet.

UPDATE: MOON CALLED's Amazon link corrected.

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