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09/02/2005 Entry: "Patricia McKillip's MOON-FLASH -- A Second Look (Rebekah)"


I just reread MOON-FLASH and MOON AND THE FACE - reissued as one book by Firebird. I enjoyed the books a lot more this time. Not sure if I was just in the right mood, knew what to expect, or what. I particularly liked how McKillip described a technological world from the viewpoint of someone from a "primitive" nature-based culture. There's real poetry there as the Kyreol explains what she is seeing using her own vocabulary and references. Terje is a beautiful shaman and the "dreaming" powerful near-magic. I also liked how neither the technological culture nor the Riverworld are placed as being better or worse than the other, and that Kyreol and Terje are able to keep in some form both of their worlds. Their romance grows from a simple childhood friendship to a life-altering force, and they have to make hard decisions about their future. I got the reissue more as a support for McKillip (and because I liked the cover) but I'm glad that I decided to reread it and not just shelf it.

(I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that review ages ago about the scientist falling in love ...)--Rebekah

--MOON-FLASH at Amazon, Books 1 and 2 combined

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