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02/02/2005 Entry: "New SF Audiobook Company"

Dead Until Dark

Many of us here at RomSF enjoy audiobooks so I was happy to read about a new sf-oriented audiobook company that was launched recently. The folks that created the Palm Reader software have started Paperback Digital, which will publish audiobook editions of the latest best-sellers as well as classics from the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres. The most exciting thing about this company is their use of a new compression standard, which will allow unabridged editions of even large books to be published on a single CD or in a small enough size so direct download is reasonable. The company also says that this will mean they are able to price their audiobooks at a much lower rate, sometimes equal or less than the hardcover price. Paperback Digital's available titles include DEAD UNTIL DARK by Charlaine Harris, SPIRIT IN THE WIRES by Charles de Lint, and SURVIVAL: SPECIES IMPERATIVE 1 by Julie E. Czerneda.
For more info, see their website.

[For what we thought about DEAD UNTIL DARK ...]

Replies: 1 Comment

I bought and listened to REFLEX by Steven Gould from them. Not exactly SFR, although the story involves a loving relationship in which the wife searches for and rescues her husband. I really enjoyed it; both the book itself and specifically the quality of the narration. REFLEX is a sequel to JUMPER (another very enjoyable book).

Posted by Jeri @ 02/06/2005 06:12 AM ET

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